50th Anniversary


1973 to 2023

On September 18, 1973, the voters passed a $600,000 bond issue. There were 529 yes votes (79%) and 138 no votes. Added to that were funds from the sale of HVCA’s Brown’s Hall and $200,000 in matching funds from Marin County to purchase over 85 acres of open space land, much of which borders land purchased by GGNRA, and the site of the current Homestead Valley Community Center. The first purchase was the planned Alpine Meadows subdivision. Other major purchases were the Cowboy Rock parcel, Rancho del Tope’, the Diaz Ranch, and the two parcels that combine to form the public part of Three Groves.

History of the Homestead Valley Land Trust

Bond Issue and Community Center. CLICK TO ENLARGE

50th Anniversary. CLICK TO ENLARGE

















In commemoration of its 50th Anniversary, a Resolution from the County of Marin Board of Supervisors

We celebrated the Anniversary on May 18, 2023 as we do in Homestead, with a potluck at the Homestead Valley Community Center. Community members and the surviving members of the original Board attended. Our district County Supervisor, Dennis Rodoni, presented the Resolution (above) commending the leaders and residents of Homestead on its foresight in preserving open space.