From yesterday to today, the trilium started blooming. We walked the whole length of the Homestead Trail so the map has been updated with flower locations along the length of the trail.
– Iris, I saw my first Iris blooms today down low.
– Trilium is just starting.
– Checker Lily is budding. It can also be found below Amaranth on the 9b trail but I haven’t seen it coming up there yet.
– Pacific Hound’s Tongue is just starting to bloom. It is coming up all over the place and will bloom for months to come. – Fetid Adder’s Tongue is blooming in force. The plants are small and the flowers delicate but they grow in clusters so when you find one there will be more nearby. They only bloom for a few weeks.
– Indian Warrior is blooming in a large patch on the Homestead Trail at 9j (we cleared this hill of broom last October so the flowers will be on display as never before this spring).
Key to map:
c – Checker Lily (Fritillaria affinis)
d – Iris (Iris)
f – Fetid Adder’s Tongue (Scoliopus bigelovii)
i – Indian Warrior (Pedicularis densiflora)
p – Pacific Hound’s Tongue (Cynoglossum grande)
t – Trillium (Trillium ovatum)
Gallery of wildflowers and plants found in Homestead.